When Florence was a baby, we bought a basic Ikea Antilop High Chair and loved it. It’s super easy to clean and is so inexpensive. The only problem is that it doesn’t look super high end. I didn’t mind at the time, but I wanted something a little more stylish for Nico. But, as I looked at different options, I kept coming back to the Antilop chair, so I decided to use it again, but add some pizzaz with a super easy hack. I love a good Ikea Hack. Look at it now, beautiful, right?

As you can tell below, it really has good bones, but it’s just super basic.

Typically, I like to DIY everything from scratch, but I decided to take a shortcut (read: tired mom life), and just buy the different makeover components from companies that specialize in Ikea hacks. It makes this a slightly more expensive project, but still a lot cheaper than the fancy highchairs, and it looks like a million bucks.
I bought the tray cover on Amazon. I love how easy it is to pull off and clean.

I got the cushion cover, leg wraps and footrest from Yeah Baby Goods. There are a few companies that offer similar products, but YBG had my favorite style.

Don’t be fooled by Nico’s grumpy face above. So far, he is loving it. He likes being at table height, and I love having such a cute high chair. Super simple and pretty affordable. Winner, winner, chicken dinner.