I went over a year with no television, so I had a LOT of free time on my hands; hence, I became a home design website frequenter.ย Here is a list of some of my favorite sites:
1) Apartment Therapy: Apartment Therapy is my premier go to site for home design ideas.ย The site’s motto pretty much sums up how I feel about AT.ย The bloggers at AT really are “saving the world, one room at time.”
2) Young House Love:ย Sherry and John are my heroes.ย This adorable couple started a blog about their do-it-yourself home upgrades. They have a gallery of before and after pictures for each room in their current (and previous) home.ย Their DIY attitude and eye for fantastic design is an inspiration for all home enthusiasts.
3) Curbly:ย I owe my friend Aria Carlson a big thank you for introducing me to this fantastic DIY centered site.ย It has the coolest projects and craft ideas.
4)Dollar Store Crafts: Who doesn’t love the dollar store?ย dollarstorecrafts.com has the cheapest craft ideas around. For instance, would you like to make a chandelier out of mardi gras beads?ย I did, so I followed this tutorial, and made an awesome, inexpensive piece of decor.ย Somehow during our move, I misplaced the chandelier, so I can’t show you a close up of the results, but you can see it in the background of this picture.
5)IKEA Hackers: Joey and I are huge fans of IKEA, so we obviously love IKEA Hackers.ย The site allows readers to post their “hacks” i.e. ideas for repurposing IKEA products.ย My all time favorite hack is this PAX hack.
Thank you so much for listing Dollar Store Crafts among your favorites – we’re in such awesome company! ๐ Honored!