For my birthday last February, Joey bought me tickets to see the Arcade Fire at the Gorge. The tickets requested that attendees wear formal wear or a costume, which I completely forgot about until last week. The concert was on Friday, so I only had a few days to come up with a costume. I wanted to wear a mask, but I didn’t have any creative ideas, so I did some Pinterest stalking. I saw a few really cute homemade fox masks for little kid costumes, and I decided to make a grown up version. I drafted Joey to make me a template for the mask. He did a really great job, and the mask ended up looking awesome. I’m including a template here, in case you want to make your own mask.
The materials I used are listed below:
- Mask Template
- Empty Cereal Box
- Scissors / or an Exacto Knife
- Yarn
- Pencil / Pen
- Hot Glue Gun
- Construction Paper
I started by cutting out the template pieces.
Then I traced mask base on the cereal box.
After cutting out the mask base, I traced and cut out all of the other pieces from construction paper. Then I hot glued those pieces onto mask base. I was very careful to check that the eyes were in the right location before gluing them on and cutting out circles to see through.
Once the hot glue had dried, I cut two small holes on the sides of the mask. Then I strung a piece of yarn through each hole.
I tried the mask on and tied the yarn secure in the back of my head.
Doesn’t it look cool? It was a perfect costume because it is really low key. I was able to just wear jeans and a regular t-shirt, but once I put my mask on, I was ready to party.