This is definitely going to be one of the weirdest Halloweens I’ve ever experienced. We won’t go trick or treating, which is a major bummer since Florence is finally at the age where I think she would be into it. But I’m trying not to be the Halloween Grinch, so we are still dressing, up. But in the most low-key, low effort way possible, which basically just means I bought our costumes on Amazon. And you know what, they aren’t all that bad. I present to you, the Super Ekloffs.


I got the idea because Florence likes to wear a blanket around her, like a cape, and run around the house saying “I’m super Florence.” It’s very cute.  So this costume made perfect sense. And the fact that I found her a dress up set for $12, sealed the deal. I bought similar adult costumes for Joey and me at a cool $10 a pop.


Since we wont be doing trick or treating, we are going to stop over at my best friend’s house, so Florence can show off her costume.


I’m curious, how are you planning on celebrating this year?