The Cargotecture Home, which was recently featured in Sunset Magazine’s Celebration Weekend, is 192 sqft. house built from a converted shipping container. What I love about this house is that is is reminiscent of a trailer home, but with character and a great design aesthetic. The C192 Nomad model is priced at just $59,500. After living in a 360 sqft. apartment, Joey and I didn’t think we could ever live in a smaller house, but the Cargotecture Home is making us change our minds. 192 sqft. doesn’t seem so bad if it looks like this.
i absolutely love these homes! i don’t know if you’ve seen this post on curbly, but it’s where i first saw really nice shipping container homes.
oh my gosh… so cool! I really think Joey and I should live in one of these. We already know how to live in small spaces so we can downsize just a little bit more 🙂