Sometimes inspiration comes from the oddest places.  For instance, the other day, while Joey and I were doing some Christmas shopping, we saw an incredible yarn art installation at The Gap.  We were so inspired, that we decided to make our own version, but with items only from Goodwill and our craft closet.  It was actually rather simple, and lucky for you, I’ve created a tutorial so you can make one too!


  • Yarn
  • Nails
  • Wood or Cork Board
  • Paint
  • Hammer
  • Superglue


  1. Paint the wood any color you choose (or just leave it in its natural state if you prefer).
  2. Choose a word or symbol that you want to use, and print that word out in a bold font of your choice.  Joey chose to use Trade Gothic.  Then tape the printed words to your wood board.
  3. Begin nailing the outline of the letters into the wood and be sure to have a nail in each corner of the letter.  Space the nails close together.
  4. Carefully rip the printed paper away from the nails, so that only the nailed outline exists.  At this point, Joey and I put a dab of superglue on each nail, just to ensure they would not fall out.
  5. Starting at the bottom of one of the nails, tie one end of the yarn to the nail.  Wrap it around the outside of each nail, making a loop at each nail, as you make your way around the letter outline.  You should continue this process until each letter has been wrapped at least 3 times.  (You can do more wraps if you want).
  6. Once you have the outline of the letter done, begin zig zagging the yarn across the center of the letter and looping it around the nails.  This is where you can have fun.  Just create whatever pattern you want.  Then tie the end of the yarn to one of the nails and you are done with that letter.  Continue until you finish the entire word or phrase you choose.

If this sounds terribly confusing, just watch these videos.  They are the actual videos that Gap sent to employees to show them how to make the yarn installations.  Some of the instructions are not applicable, but it gives you a good feel for how to go about finishing your own art installation.

Here is the finished product.  We love it.